I'm currently sitting at the Starbucks at the corner of king and weber, just minutes away from my first home away from home - good ol' King's Court. Now whether I like it or not, my university career is coming to end and will soon be days behind me. Although, this is not going to be about university, that's a whole other journey to talk about. This post is going out to my roommates, the ones I've came home to. Now bear with me - this is going to be a long one and also i'm going to be a lot sappier than my usual self.
This was a fresh start for me, I decided to embark on my university career alone without the company of familiarity. Thankfully so, because within these past four years, I have discovered the comfort of family within these roommates I'm about to tell you about. If you guys are reading this - and I know you will. I want to thank each and every single one of you and tell you that I friggin love you gals. We've all grown so much, we've cried in each other's arms, cared for one another, argued with each other, we've failed together, succeeded together - but nonetheless, together. There wasn't just one role that we played, whether it was the mom of the group, the wild one, the optimist and so forth. We were all an abundance of these roles and we were all of these roles for each other, whatever it was that any of us needed. Whenever I was upset, I would find arms wrapped around myself. Whenever I was sick, there would be offerings of soup, medicine and peppermint tea at my disposal. Now, I had a circulation of ten roommates in total these past four years and they were amazing roommates, but there were 4 who really engraved their mark into my soul. Heres to you -

Olivia - my first friend.
Olibear, you have one of the most beautiful souls I have ever come to know. You are so kind and gentle with such a roaring hardworking interior. We only had each other for the first couple weeks of university and we clicked instantly. I will always remember our second night, drunkenly running to school holding hands just yelling about how glad that we have one another. I want you to know that has not changed, I'm just as grateful for you as I was since day one. You have such passion in the things that you do and the people that you love. I'm so happy to watch you achieve your dreams, there is nobody I know that can string together words as beautifully as you do.
Aleena - my longest roomie.
Oh leens, never have we parted and here we are, at paths that separate. Look at how much we've grown, thanks for holding me together all these years especially when things were crumbling. We have shed tears together but even more so, we shared so much laughter (usually at your expense im sorry). You are such a strong headed individual, please never lose faith in yourself because there is nothing that you cannot conquer, do not forget that. There isn't anyone else I'd choose to be by my side for my entire university career. From day 4 (you arrived late) until forever -
Vicki - my partner in crime.
You are such a ball of light and your energy radiates so much that it has uplifted my soul so many times. Thank you for being so selfless, investing in me whenever I needed literally anything. Attached by the hip, we have shared most of our time in this city together - from day, night, dawn. You are the battery behind my night owl self, living it up with me when the rest of the world is asleep. The Laurier world knew it was never one of us without the other - "amy and vicki" "vicki and amy". CS101 gifted me more than just easy test banks to say the least.
Nada - there are no words.
There are really no words to encompass all that you are but god, am I happy to have met you. You are by far one of the most intelligent people that I know and there is always something that I can learn from you. I often find myself asking, how can someone be so grounded yet so adventurous at the same time. We come from a world of opposite minds and I miss staying up til 5am just chatting about our viewpoints. You have infested my mind with the importance of technicalities and mathematics and I have explained to you the openness of creative thinking. You are truly one of a kind.

We all offer a plethora of different personalities and energies, but I would not have it any other way. You have all taught me so much and played such large roles in my steps towards adulthood. I only hope that I have offered you guys the same amount of love and support that you guys have given me. So thank you, for making the past 4 years so memorable, for filling it with love and laughter, for offering endless support, for being your wonderful selves. As we plunge into the scary future, it's going to be okay but I am going to miss coming home to you guys to talk about my day and hear about yours. I wish you girls all the luck in the world on your future endeavours, kick the world in the ass because I know that there is capability in all of you.
Alright, I think that's enough. Love you all and thank you (again) for making it so easy for me to find family in what was once a new beginning.
▻ Amy