Mental Infestation

The topic of this post is rooted from a conversation I had with a friend. We were discussing the questionable ideologies that the media spoon-feeds society. Does media influence ultimately lead towards the sublimation of these socially constructed concepts? Hard to give a definite answer, but easy to say that it does reinforce the concepts. The production of media content is a reflection of the world, a cycle that reinforces one another. Truthfully speaking, it can be difficult to not abide by those narratives, as open minded as we try to be. As humans, we understand this vast world much by association, linking together ideologies to groups we're unfamiliar with because that's as far as our knowledge goes about it. For example, someone unfamiliar with Chinese culture with correlate the vague ideas they have about it and those ideas are usually what the media produces.

I think that the co-dependency of the media and society is inevitable and although that can be dangerous, it doesn't mean we don't have minds of our own. The truth is, even if the media were to produce content of equality and fair representation, there will always be disagreements. There will always be racists, homophobes, people filled with hate and ignorance and that is highly unfortunate but that is reality. The best we can do is to just try our hardest to never bound anybody by constructed ideologies and keep our minds open.

